Azadeh Ghaeini
Creative Director / Co-founder
Azadeh Ghaeini (born September 06, 1983) is an Iranian artist, software developer, investor, producer, writer and philanthropist. Along with his friend Nail Kizilirmak, she is the co-founder of White Art Berlin and Raw Diamond Film. Throughout his life career, Ghaeini has held the positions of: Graphic Designer, art director, creative director, curator, president, chief executive officer (CEO), president, and chief software architect from May 2006. Azadeh Ghaeini was born and raised in Mashhad, Iran. In 2001 - 2005, she graduated from Tehran University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Graphics, with a degree. She graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Fine Arts Graphics Department with a degree in 2008 - 2012 again in order to research the education of countries (Honor Student). Afterwards, she graduated from Hacettepe University Informatics Institute, Animation Game Technologies and graduated with a degree (High Honor Student). With professional implementation, Wolksvagen has gained the experience and pleasure of creating branded content and designing digital experiences and products for AESA, Consortium and many more major customers. His work has received numerous awards. She has won awards in more than 3 branches of art and some of his works are in the Ex-libris Museum in Istanbul and Cyprus. On the other hand, she has a 1st Dan certificate in Teakwondo from South Korea and is actively doing Poomse. She became the Asian Champion in his age category in 1997. Currently, Ghaeini is writing his own book on life alongside work and has started a new study using technology and Research and development.